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Capacity Building


  • The department has a student club named as ‘Rhetoric’ which conducts different interactive sessions, seminars and guest lectures of interest to the students and related to their careers.
  • The department launched its wall magazine ‘Politicos Kosmos’ in 2018 with the objective of encouraging creative and critical writing among students on relevant political issues.
  • For the first time a mock UN was organized in December 2019 at intra-college level as the first step towards a regular practice of annual inter-college MUN that the department aims at
Seminars and Workshops Conducted
  • Conducted a workshop on ‘Urban Governance’ in collaboration with the Hyderabad Urban Labs in July 2019.
  • Conducted a one day national workshop on ‘Relevance of Social Sciences in the Age of Technology’ in association with the entire faculty of Social Sciences and Arts in November 2019.


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