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Evaluation System

Continuous Internal Assessments and External End Semester Examinations are done as per the norms prescribed in Academic Regulations of concerned UG and PG programs offered by the College.

  • The evaluation system comprise of 2 components i.e Continuous Assessments (40 marks) and Semester-end examination (60 marks)
  • Continuous assessments will have a written test (20 marks) of 1 hour duration which will be held on scheduled dates as given in the Francisian hand book. No retest is conducted except for those candidates deputed by the college to participate in State/ National sports events and NCC/NSS activities
  • For the remaining 20 marks, faculty uses appropriate methodologies like assignment ,book reviews, seminars, group discussion, mini -project, laboratory work among others.
  • Semester-end examinations are conducted by the Examination Branch of the college. Paper setting and evaluation is done by external subject experts. Model papers are made available to the students.
  • Reporting to the examinations on time is important. A grace time of 30 minutes is allowed to enter the examination hall after which the doors are closed.


  Credits Continuous Internal Assessment
Sem End Examination
Sem End Examination Duration
UG courses 3/4/5 40 60 2
PG courses 3/4/5 40 60 2.5
Courses (max 50 marks) 2 20 30 1


  Evaluation by Internal Examiners Evaluation by External Examiners Semester-End Examination
Practical courses Semester I, III & V ( UG) Semester II, IV & VI ( UG) 2 hours for 50 marks
Semester I & III ( PG) Semester II & IV ( PG)


Semester Backlog Examinations
  • UG & PG theory and practical backlog examinations to be held in the even semester only
  • Semester backlog examinations can be taken only three times for a subject under the same syllabus. Thereafter the student will have to repeat the examination under the revised syllabus, if the syllabus is revised.
  • To be awarded I / II division for an undergraduate programme a student is required to pass all papers within the stipulated 6 semesters. The year and month of passing the exam is indicated in the consolidated memo of marks. Students who fail to clear all the subjects will be considered as backlog candidates. No division will be awarded.
  • A student is guilty of malpractice if she is found attempting to copy, copying or in possession of incriminating material, any papers or writing on any part of the body.
  • A committee comprising of the Principal, Controller of Examinations and the concerned Invigilator will investigate cases of malpractice.
  • In case of malpractice during continuous assessments, the student found guilty by the committee will be awarded zero marks in the concerned paper. In case semester-end examinations, if the student is found guilty of committing any malpractice , all the papers mentioned in the Hall ticket shall stand cancelled.

No Internal / Continuous Assessment for Practical courses (UG & PG)


Revaluation of answer scripts is applicable for all theory courses except practical subjects.

  • Notification for revaluation will be released by examination branch on the day of results declaration
  • The application for revaluation after the last date will not be entertained.
  • Answer scripts are sent to two examiners independently
  • If the average marks of two examiners do not differ by more than 10% from the original marks, the original marks will be retained
  • If the average marks of the two examiners differ by more than 10% from the original marks then the original marks will be removed and the average marks of revaluation will be taken into account and awarded to the candidate, and the revised results declared.