BCom Honors
The B Com (Honors) Programme is intended to provide advanced knowledge in Commerce subjects as against the functional specializations offered by a traditional B Com programme. It aims to equip students with the knowledge and competence in the field of business and commerce to pursue a professional career in the specified areas of specialization. The structure is designed to augment the skills of the students to be proficient in using IT for business purposes. In addition the Electives available in the 5th & 6th semester provide an opportunity of gaining higher knowledge in Commerce & Management subjects.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Upon completion of the B.Com Degree Programme, the graduate will be able
- PO1. To receive a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals and a quality education in all the core subjects essential for an undergraduate degree in Commerce.
- PO2. To build entrepreneurial skills required for innovation and creation of ideas.
- PO3. To develop effective communication skills and contemporary IT knowledge essential for joining the workforce or for further higher education.
- PO4. To be trained in the development of ethical, moral & human values in order to contribute to the well being of the society
- PO5. To acquire skills for the development of sustainable goals aligned to global, national & social issues.
- PO6. To develop leadership skills and the ability to work with groups for a common cause.
- PO7. To acquire the ability for critical thinking through the development of cognitive and decision making skills and an attitude of positive and lifelong learning in order to succeed in a dynamic environment.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
At the end of the program, the students of B. Com (Honours) will
- PSO1. Acquire a thorough conceptual knowledge of subjects relating to Accounts, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Marketing, Law and Economics.
- PSO2. Have worked on application oriented cases and problems in the above mentioned subjects; be capable of working in groups and understanding interpersonal & team dynamics.
- PSO3. Complete a research project in Finance, Marketing or HR
- PSO4. Be equipped with latest trends in business automation, a basic knowledge of statistical tools required for business & skill sets required for leadership & management.
- PSO5. To develop a sense of responsibility through self monitoring, self motivation and self management through self directed learning.