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Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)

Program Outcomes (POs)
  • PO1. Identify the applicability of management principles in real time business situations in order to contribute to the economy and society.
  • PO2. Acquire abilities to offer sustainable solutions to social and economic problems in an ethical manner so as to develop the nation.
  • PO3. Acquire soft skills that develop a morally upright personality.
  • PO4. Acquire competence to harness entrepreneurial aspirations by developing and applying business ideas through the use of various management tools and techniques.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • PSO1. Students will develop ability to process and analyze the business environment and its components objectively so as to make rational business decisions.
  • PSO2. Students will be proficient in concepts related to functional areas of management and will be able to apply the same in business contexts.
  • PSO3. Students will be able collect primary and secondary data and analyse the same using tools of statistical analysis and Information technology to derive business insights and present it in a meaningful manner.
  • PSO4. Students will develop an understanding of Information Technology and its application in modern businesses.
  • PSO5. Develop an ability to work in a team setup while demonstrating effective leadership skills.
  • PSO6. Demonstrate ability to comprehend and communicate thoughts and ideas effectively in an oral and written manner.