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Bachelor of Vocation (Retail Management & Information Technology)

Program Outcomes (POs)
  • PO1. Demonstrate judicious mix of General Education and Skills related to Management and IT to solve complex managerial problems in the Industry.
  • PO2. Focus on skill development components and be equipped with knowledge, practice and attitude to become work ready.
  • PO3. Embed within themselves National Occupational Standards (NOSs) of specific job roles required within the Industry Sector.
  • PO4. Have industry expertise gained through industrial and outstation visits which are designed with the individual and team in mind and would have on-the-job training in Multi-disciplinary settings.
  • PO5. Apply ethical principles for making judicious managerial decisions.
  • PO6. Have enhanced employability and vertical mobility for sustenance in the Industry.
  • PO7. Be self- reliant and have life-long learning.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • PSO1. Students will be proficient in concepts related to functional areas of management specific to retail sector and will be able to apply the same in the retail industry.
  • PSO2. Students will apply the applications of the specific job roles required within the retail industry as per the National Occupational Standards.
  • PSO3. Students will be competent to have enhanced employability and vertical mobility for sustenance in the industry.
  • PSO4. Analyse and recommend the appropriate IT infrastructure required for the implementation of a business project.
  • PSO5. To engage in professional development in the fields of information technology.
  • PSO6. To provide knowledge about computing principles and business practices employed as software solutions in industry.