Student Clubs
Extension activities of the student community in the College are executed through the different Student Clubs which provide a platform to the students to develop their organizational and leadership skills.
XPRESSIONS - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Xpressions pertains to the departments of Humanities and Social Sciences. Various discipline based activities and competitions are organized under this umbrella to celebrate creativity and in-depth knowledge of the same. The club also encourages students to be a part of social outreach program.
SPECTRUM - Faculty of Science
Spectrum is the Club constituted by the thirteen departments of Life Sciences and Physical Sciences, namely, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Electronics, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Nutrition, Physics, Statistics and Zoology. The Club conducts activities to enhance
the scientific temperament among students. Its annual outreach program is known as Glee, which focuses on providing an opportunity to school students in a practical, interesting and informative way through demonstration of scientific concepts. Their annual newsletter “PRISM” showcases the year round activities of the club.
COFEE - Faculty of Commerce
COFEE is the Club initiated by the Faculty of Commerce stands for the “Commerce Organization for Emerging Entrepreneurs”. This Club organizes numerous competitions and outreach programs throughout the year and brings out its newsletter titled Vantage. Click here to Know More
ARISTA - Faculty of Management Studies
ARISTA, the student club of BMS engages its members through various events like ‘Ingenium’ , ‘Arizone’ and Inquzition’. The Annual National Management Fest ’Crescentia’ is the key event that puts to test the management skills of BMS students. The club also releases its newsletter B-Hive during this event.
VOCTALENT - Faculty of B.Voc
Voctalent is a club instituted by the Department of Bachelor of Vocation (Retail Management & Information Technology) of the Management Studies. It conducts and organizes various activities across diverse disciplines such as Marketing, Human Resources, Visual Merchandising, Entrepreneurial Development, Best Manager and Cultural Arts. The club believes and specializes in providing students with opportunities for
practical experience and skill-based training.
Common Clubs of the College
Prakriti is the Nature Club of the college drawing its membership across faculties. Students need to register every year to be part of the club .The club collaborates with esteemed environmental Organisations.
FACE (Francisian Association for Christian Endeavours)
FACE (Francisian Association for Christian Endeavours) - works towards bringing Christ’s teachings in the Campus and spreading his love. It helps in organizing the Christmas Celebrations NATALE in the College.
La Fiesta
La Fiesta, initiated by the department of English is a literary creative club, celebrating the magic of Art forms.
It also includes the “Bibliophile” for the voracious reader and “ Francis Production” for the drama enthusiasts
of the college
Harivillu – Department of Telugu
It is the literary and cultural club of Telugu. Every year the club organizes many literary and cultural activities
in Telugu to inculcate and cultivate the local traditions among students. The Telugu day is celebrated every
year and the club releases an annual literary magazine KADAMBAM.
Shastr Library Club
Library is an indispensible part of the college life. The Shastr club from the Library
organizes various programmes for the staff and students to keep up the spirit of reading. The Club also
celebrates the National Library day annually.
The College Choir
Provides a platform to the nightingales of the College. The students are drawn from
across the faculties. They perform on all the important occasions of the College and they have earned many
accolades from the society for the quality of their renditions.