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BSc Applied Nutrition, Zoology and Chemistry (ANZC)

Program Outcomes (POs)
  • PO1. Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking and enhance learning in the three major subjects of their choice with scientific reasoning and analytical skills.
  • PO2. Problem solving: Think logically and organize task into a structured form for problem solving by applying the knowledge of basic science.
  • PO3. Effective communication: To develop the ability of effective communication of scientific information in written and oral format.
  • PO4. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  • PO5. Ethics: Apply ethical, moral and social values in personal and professional life leading to holistic development of the individual.
  • PO6. Environment and sustainability: Develop interdisciplinary approach to provide better solution and innovative ideas for sustainable development and conservation of natural resources.
  • PO7. Self-directed and lifelong learning: Recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in independent, lifelong learning and adapt to technological changes to be globally competent.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • PSO1. Acquires knowledge in the areas of Nutritional Biochemistry and Dietetics. Understands the complex interaction of foods and food components on human health and disease.
  • PSO2. Develop skill to devise research strategies to empower and promote healthy living in the community.
  • PSO3. Becomes aware of the robust academic and experiential opportunities which can be applied across the health spectrum to address the health of individuals and populations from prevention to palliation.
  • PSO4. Gains knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understands complex interactions among various living organisms
  • PSO5. Understands the environmental conservation processes and its importance in pollution control, biodiversity and protection of endangered species.
  • PSO6. Gains knowledge of small scale industries like sericulture, fish farming, butterfly farming and medical diagnostics. Understands the complex evolutionary processes and behavioral patterns of various animals.
  • PSO7. Develops theoretical and practical knowledge in handling the animals and using them as model organism.
  • PSO8. Acquires methodical and logical understanding of the fundamental concepts in Physical, Organic, Inorganic, Analytical and all other integrated Chemistry subjects.
  • PSO9. Achieves the ability to synthesize, separate, estimate and characterize compounds using experimental and instrumentation techniques
  • PSO10. Develops critical thinking and problem solving skills by adopting research based pedagogical tools.