Department of Hindi
हिंदी भाषा भारतीय संस्कृति की आत्मा(Hindi is the soul of Indian Culture)
The Hindi Language is the second most spoken in the world after Mandarin, Chinese. It is estimated that nearly half a billion people speak this wonderful language.In our multilingual country, it is one of the Official Languages and is widely spoken in the northern parts of the country.
The Department of Hindi takes pride in cultivating and nurturing the love for the language amidst students. It offers Hindi as a second language the students of different streams in the college.The Department plays an active role in not only preserving and popularizing this language that unites Indians.At the same time, it also provides them with various opportunities to demonstrate their fluency and mastery of this language through various Literary and Cultural activities.
- To develop communication skills of Students
- To inculcate moral values in students through an exposure to the different dimensions of the Hindi language.
- To provide knowledge to students about various periods of Hindi Literature.
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