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Courses Offered


2024 Onwards

Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours Per Week Credits Maximum Marks
I Compulsory Course English U24/ENG/CC/101 5 5 100
II Compulsory Course English U24/ENG/CC/201 5 5 100
III Compulsory Course English U24/ENG/CC/301 5 5 100
IV Compulsory Course English U24/ENG/CC/401 5 5 100
V General Elective English for Competitive Exams U24/ENG/GE/501 4 4 100

Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours Per Week Credits Maximum Marks
I Discipline Specific Core DSC British Literature (16th - 17th Century) U24/LIT/DSC/101 5 5 100
II Discipline Specific Core DSC British Literature (18th - 19th Century) U24/LIT/DSC/201 5 5 100
III Discipline Specific Core DSC British Literature (20th Century) U24/LIT/DSC/301 5 5 100
IV Discipline Specific Core DSC Indian Writing in English U24/LIT/DSC/401 5 5 100
V Discipline Specific Core DSE Introduction to Women's Writing U24/LIT/DSE/501 5 5 100
Discipline Specific Core DSE Introduction to World Literature U24/LIT/DSE/502 5 5 100
VI Discipline Specific Elective DSE Literary Analysis and Application U24/LIT/DSE/601 5 5 100
Discipline Specific Elective DSE Introduction to American Literature U24/LIT/DSE/602 5 5 100
Project Project U24/LIT/DSE/604 5 5 100

2022 Onwards

Year Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours Per Week Credits Examination Hours Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical CIA -1 CIA-2 Sem End CIA Sem End
I 1 AECC English U20/ENG/AECC/101 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
2 AECC English U20/ENG/AECC/201 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
II 3 AECC English U20/ENG/AECC/301 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
4 AECC English U20/ENG/AECC/401 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60

Year Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours Per Week Credits Examination Hours Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical CIA -1 CIA-2 Sem End CIA Sem End
I 1 DSC British Literature (16th – 17th Century) U20/LIT/DSC/101 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
2 DSC British Literature (18th – 19th Century) U20/LIT/DSC/201 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
II 3 DSC British Literature (20th Century) U20/LIT/DSC/301 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
GE English For Competitive Exams U20/ENG/GE/301 3 - 3 - - - 1 20 30
4 DSC Indian Writing in English U20/LIT/DSC/401 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
III 5 DSC Intro. To Women’s Writing U20/LIT/DSC/501 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
SEC Intro. To Creative Writing U20/LIT/SEC/501 3 - 2 - - - 1 20 30
6 DSE-1 Intro. To American Literature / Intro. To World Literature U20/LIT/DSE/601
5 - 4 - - 1 2 40 60
DSE-2 Literary Analysis and Application/ Project U20/LIT/DSE/603
5 - 4 - - 1 2 40 60


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