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Courses Offered


2024 Onwards

Year Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs / week Credits CIA Sem End Total Duration
I I DSC Differential and Integral Calculus U24/MAT/DSC/101 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/101/P 2 1 50 50 2
II DSC Differential Equations U24/MAT/DSC/201 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/201/P 2 1 50 50 2
II III DSC Abstract Algebra U24/MAT/DSC/301 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/301/P 2 1 50 50 2
SEC Graph Theory U24/MAT/SEC/301 2 2 20 30 50 1
IV DSC Real Analysis U24/MAT/DSC/401 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/401/P 2 1 50 50 2
SEC Vector Calculus U24/MAT/SEC/401 2 2 20 30 50 1
III V DSE Linear Algebra U24/MAT/DSC/501 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/501/P 2 1 50 50 2
Analytical Solid Geometry U24/MAT/DSC/502 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/502/P 2 1 50 50 2
SEC Elementary Number Theory U24/MAT/SEC/501 2 2 20 30 50 1
GE Mathematical Methods U24/MAT/GE/501 4 4 40 60 100 2
VI DSE Complex Variables U24/MAT/DSC/601 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/601/P 2 1 50 50 2
Numerical Analysis U24/MAT/DSC/602 4 4 40 60 100 2
U24/MAT/DSC/602/P 2 1 50 50 2
SEC Logic and Sets U24/MAT/SEC/601 2 2 20 30 50 1

2022 Onwards

Semester - I


Year SEM Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs)
I I DSC T Differential and Integral Calculus U20/MAT/DSC/101 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Differential and Integral Calculus U20/MAT/DSC/101/P 3 1 - 50 50 2
II DSC T Differential Equations U20/MAT/DSC/201 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Differential Equations U20/MAT/DSC/201/P 3 1 - 50 50 2
II III DSC T Abstract Algebra U20/MAT/DSC/301 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Abstract Algebra U20/MAT/DSC/301/P 3 1 - 50 50 2
GE T General Elective U20/MAT/GE/301 3 3 20 30 50 1
IV DSC T Real Analysis U20/MAT/DSC/401 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Real Analysis U20/MAT/DSC/401/P 3 3 - 50 50 2
III V DSC T Linear Algebra U20/MAT/DSC/501 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Linear Algebra U20/MAT/DSC/501/P 3 1 - 50 50 2
SEC T Elementary Number Theory / Analytical Solid Geometry U20/MAT/SEC/501/P 3 2 - - 50 2
VI DSE-1 T Numerical Analysis / Theory of Probability U20/MAT/DSE/601
3 3 40 60 100 2.5
P Numerical Analysis / Theory of Probability U20/MAT/DSE/601/P
3 1 - 50 50 2
DSE-11 T Vector Calculus / Laplace and Fourier Transforms / Project U20/MAT/DSE/603
3 3 40 60 100 2.5
P Vector Calculus / Laplace and Fourier Transforms / Project U20/MAT/DSE/603/P
3 1 - 50 50 2

Semester - I


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs) Tutorial Hrs
DSC-I T Abstract Algebra P20/ MAT/DSC/101 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-II T Mathematical Analysis P20/ MAT/DSC/102 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-III T Discrete Mathematics P20/ MAT/DSC/103 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-IV T Elementary Number Theory P20/ MAT/DSC/104 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-V T Ordinary &Partial Differential Equations P20/ MAT/DSC/105 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
GE T Mathematics of Finance P20/MAT/GE/101 2 2 20 30 50 1 2
Semester - II


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs) Tutorial Hrs
DSC-I T Galois Theory P20/ MAT/DSC/201 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-II T Lebesgue Measure and Integration P20/ MAT/DSC/202 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-III T Complex Analysis P20/ MAT/DSC/203 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-IV T Topology P20/ MAT/DSC/204 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-V T Theory Of Ordinary Differential Equations P20/ MAT/DSC/205 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
OR Outreach P20/MAT/OR/201 2 2 20 30 50 - -
Semester - III


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs) Tutorial Hrs
DSC-I T Functional Analysis P20/ MAT/DSC/301 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-II T Linear Algebra P20/ MAT/DSC/302 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-III T Numerical Analysis P20/ MAT/DSC/303/L 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSE-1 T Operations Research P20/ MAT/DSE/301 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-2 T General Measure And Integration P20/ MAT/DSE/302 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-3 T Analytic Number Theory P20/ MAT/DSE/303 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-4 T Differential Geometry P20/ MAT/DSE/304 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
FC Corporate Recruitment Training P20/ MAT/FC/301 2 2 20 30 50 2 2
Semester - IV


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs) Tutorial Hrs
DSC-1 T Integral Equations & Calculus of Variations P20/ MAT/DSC/401 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-II T Integral Transforms P20/MAT/DSC/402 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSC-III T Statistical Methods in Data Science P20/ MAT/DSC/403 6 5 40 60 100 2.5 6
DSE-1 T Advanced Operations Research P20/ MAT/DSE/401 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-2 T Advanced Complex Analysis P20/ MAT/DSE/402 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-3 T Cryptography P20/ MAT/DSE/403 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-4 T Graph Theory P20/ MAT/DSE/404 5 4 40 60 100 2.5 5
DSE-5 T Project P20/ MAT/PRJ/401 4 4 40 60 100 2.5 2.5


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