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Courses Offered


2024 Onwards

Semester - I


Course Type  Course Title Course Code  Hours Per Week  Non CGPA  Credits  Maximum Marks Duration of Sem End Exam (Hrs)
      L P     CA SEM Total
DSC - 1 Introduction to Communication and Mass Media P24/MCJ/DSC/101 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Reporting & News Writing Analysis P24/MCJ/DSC/101/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 2 Reporting & Editing P24/MCJ/DSC/102 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Newspaper Production P24/MCJ/DSC/102/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 3 Advertising P24/MCJ/DSC/103 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
AD copywriting P24/MCJ/DSC/103/P   4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 4 Intro to Electronic Media & Film P24/MCJ/DSC/104 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Videography & Video Editing P24/MCJ/DSC/104/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
Open Elective Photography P24/MCJ/OE/101 2hrs -- 2cr -- 20 30 50 1
  Total     2cr 20 cr     600  
Semester - II


Course Type   Course Title  Course Code   Hours per week   Non CGPA Credits Maximum marks Duration of Sem End Exam (Hrs)
    L P     CA Sem Total  
DSC - 1 Media Laws & Ethics P24/MCJ/DSC/201 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Photo Journalism P24/MCJ/DSC/201/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 100 2
DSC - 2 Script writing P24/MCJ/DSC/202 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
TV News Production P24/MCJ/DSC/202/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 3 Corporate Organisational Communication  P24/MCJ/DSC/203 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Electronic Pagination P24/MCJ/DSC/203/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 4 Development & Rural Communication P24/MCJ/DSC/204 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Radio Production P24/MCJ/DSC/203/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
FC Community Outreach P24/MCJ/FC/201 2hrs -- 2cr -- -- 50 50 1
    Total 30 hrs 2cr 20cr      
Semester - III


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours per week Non CGPA Credits Maximum marks Duration of Sem End Exam (Hrs)
L P     CA Sem Total  
DSC - 1 Mass Media Research P24/MCJ/DSC/301 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 50 2.5
Current Affairs & Media Issues P24/MCJ/DSC/301/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 2 International Communication& Theories P24/MCJ/DSC/302 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Documentary Production P24/MCJ/DSC/302/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSE - 1 Media Management P24/MCJ/DSE/301  3hrs  --  --  3cr  40  60  100 2.5
DSE - 2 Media Entrepreneurship P24/MCJ/DSE/302 2.5
DSE – 1P Content Writing P24/MCJ/DSE/301/P  --  4hrs  --  2cr  40  60  100 2
DSE – 2P Media Entrepreneurship P24/MCJ/DSE/302/P 2
DSE - 3 Magazine Journalism P24/MCJ/DSE/303  3hrs  --  --  3cr  40  60  100 2.5
DSE - 4 Cultural studies P24/MCJ/DSE/304 2.5
DSE – 3P Internship P24/MCJ/INT/303 -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
GE Health Communication P24/MCJ/GE/301 2hr -- 2cr -- 20 30 50 1
    Total   28 hrs 2 cr 20 Cr        
Semester - IV


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours per week Non CGPA Credits Maximum marks Duration of Sem End Exam (Hrs)
L P     CA Sem Total  
DSC - 1 ICT & New Media P24/MCJ/DSC/401 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Film Appreciation P24/MCJ/DSC/401/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSC - 2 Media Management P24/MCJ/DSC/402 3hrs -- -- 3cr 40 60 100 2.5
Campaign planning and execution P24/MCJ/DSC/402/P -- 4hrs -- 2cr -- 50 50 2
DSE - 1 Data Journalism P24/MCJ/DSE/401  3hrs  --  --   3cr  40  60  100 2.5
DSE - 2 Trends in Journalism P24/MCJ/DSE/402 2.5
DSE – 1P Digital Journalism P24/MCJ/DSE/401/P  --  4hrs  --  2cr  --  50  50 2
DSE – 2P Short Film Production P24/MCJ/DSE/402/P 2
PRJ Project (Dissertation) P24/MCJ/PRJ/401 -- 5hrs -- 5cr 50 100 150 2
  Research Paper Presented/Published       2cr          
    Total 26hrs   20Cr        

B.A. Mass Communication Hours Per Week Credits Examination Hours Max. Marks
Y E A R S E M Course Type Course Title Course Code L P L P CIA - 1 CIA - 2 SEM END CIA SemEnd Total
F I R S T T I DSC - I Introduction to Communication and Journalism U24/MCJ/DSC/101 5 -- 5 -- _ 1 2 40 60 100
II DSC - II Mass Media in India U24/MCJ/DSC/201 5 -- 5 -- _ 1 2 40 60 100
S E C O N D III DSC - III Reporting for Print Media U24/MCJ/DSC/301 4 - 4 - _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Newspaper Production U24/MCJ/DSC /301/P- - 2 - 1 _ _ _ - 50 50(P)
SEC - 1 Fact checking Journalism U24/MCJ/SEC/301 2 - 2 - _ _ 1 20 30 50
IV DSC - IV Writing for Media U24/MCJ/DSC/401 4 - 4 - _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Radio & TV News Production U24/MCJ/DSC /401/P - 2 - 1 _ _ _ - 50 50(P)
T H I R D SEC - 2 Digital Marketing U24/MCJ/SEC/401 2 2 _ _ 1 20 30 50
V DSE - I Advertising U24/MCJ/DSE/501 4 - 4 - _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Ad Copy Writing U24/MCJ/DSE/501/P 2 1 _ _ _ _ 50 50(P)
DSE - IA Introduction to Filmmaking U24/MCJ/DSE/502 4 - 4 - _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Short Film Production U24/MCJ/DSC/502/P - 2 1 _ _ _ _ 50 50(P)
GE Digital Photography U24/MCJ/GE/501 4 4 _ 1 2 40 60 100
SEC - 3 Research Methodology U24/MCJ/SEC/501 2 2 _ _ 1 20 30 50
VI DSE II Public Relations U24/MCJ/DSE/601 4 - 4 - _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Public Relations U24/MCJ/DSE/601/P 2 1 _ _ _ _ 50 50 (P)
DSE IIA Introduction to Digital Media U20/MCJ/DSE/602 4 4 _ 1 2 40 60 100
PRACTICAL Digital Journalism U20/MCJ/DSE/602/P - 2 - 1 _ _ _ - 50 50(P)
Project Project U24/MCJ/PRJ/601 4 4 _ _ 40 60 100
SEC - 4 Social Media Journalism U24/MCJ/SEC/601 2 2 _ _ 1 20 30 50

2022 Onwards

Year Sem Course Type Course Title Course Code Hours Per Week Credits Examination Hours Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical CIA -1 CIA-2 Sem End CIA Sem End
I 1 DSC Introduction to Communication and Journalism U20/MCJ/DSC/101 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
2 DSC Mass Media in India U20/MCJ/DSC/201 6 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
II 3 DSC T Reporting for Print Media U20/MCJ/DSC/301 4 - 4 - - 1 2 40 60
P Newspaper Production U20/MCJ/DSC/301/P 3   1            
GE Digital Photography - 3 - 3 - - - 1 20 30
4 DSC T Writing for Media U20/MCJ/DSC/401 4 - 4 - - 1 2 40 60
P Radio & TV News Production   3 - 1 - - - - - -
III 5 DSC T Advertising U20/MCJ/DSC/501 5 - 5 - - 1 2 40 60
P Ad Copy Writing U20/MCJ/DSC/501/P 3 - 1 - - - - - -
SEC Production of Short Film U20/MCJ/SEC/501 3 - 2 - - - 1 20 30
6 DSE-1 T Public Relations/Event Management U20/MCJ/DSE/601
3 - 3 - - 1 2 40 60
P Public Relations/Cyber Journalism U20/MCJ/DSE/601/P
3 - 1 - - - - - -
DSE-2 Introduction to New Media / Project U20/MCJ/DSE/603
5 - 4 - - 1 2 40 60

Semester - I


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs)
DSC-I T Introduction to Communication and Mass Media P20/MCJ/DSC/101 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-2 T Reporting and Editing – I P20/MCJ/DSC/102 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P News Writing and Reporting analysis P20/MCJ/DSC/102/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSC-3 T Advertising P20/MCJ/DSC/103 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Video Editing P20/MCJ/DSC/103/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSC-4 T Introduction to Electronic Media & Film P20/MCJ/DSC/104 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-4 P Current Affairs I P20/MCJ/DSC/104/P 4 2 40 60 100 2.5
Generic Elective Photography P20/MCJ/GE/101 2 2 20 30 50 1
Semester - II


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs)
DSC-I T Media Laws and Ethics P20/MCJ/DSC/201 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-2 T Reporting and Editing – II P20/MCJ/DSC/202 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Photo journalism P20/MCJ/DSC/201/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSC-3 T Corporate Organisational Communication P20/MCJ/DSC/203 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Print Design & Editing Tools P20/CHE/DSC/203/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSC-4 T Development & Rural Communication P20/MCJ/DSC/204 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-4 P Radio Broadcasting Practical P20/MCJ/DSC/203/P 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-5 T Magazine Journalism P20/MCJ/DSC/205 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
Social Outreach Social Outreach P20/MCJ/OR/201 2 2 20 30 50 1
Semester - III


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs)
DSC-I T Mass Media Research P20/MCJ/DSC/301 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P News Paper Production Or TV News Production P20/MCJ/DSC/301/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSC-2 T International Communication & Theories P20/MCJ/DSC/302 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-2 P Cyber Journalism P20/MCJ/DSC/302/P 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-3 T Marketing Comm.n& Digital marketing P20/MCJ/DSC/303 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Current Affairs II P20/MCJ/DSC/303/P 4 2 - 50 50 2
DSE-1 T Print Media-I P20/MCJ/DSE/301 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-2 T Feature & Freelance Writing P20/MCJ/DSE/302 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-3 T Electronic Media-I P20/MCJ/DSE/303 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-4 T TV Journalism P20/MCJ/DSE/304 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
FC CRT P20/MCJ/FC/301 2 2 20 30 50 2
Semester - IV


Course Type Course Title Course Code Hrs/Week Credits CIA Sem End Total Marks Duration of Sem End Exams(Hrs)
DSC-1 T ICT & New Media P20/MCJ/DSC/401 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
P Content Writing P20/MCJ/DSC/401/P 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-2 T Media Management P20/MCJ/DSC/402 4 2 - 50 50 2
P Film Appreciation P20/MCJ/DSC/402/P 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSC-3 P Advertising and PR P20/MCJ/DSC/403/P 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-1 Print media-II P20/MCJ/DSE/401 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-2 Cultural Studies P20/MCJ/DSE/402 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-3 Electronic Media II P20/MCJ/DSE/403 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
DSE-4 Social Sciences for Journalism P20/MCJ/DSE/404 4 4 40 60 100 2.5
PRJ Dissertation (or)Documentary film Production P20/MCJ/PRJ/401 4 4 40 60 100 2.5


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